
The main objective of Arrowhead Tools is to achieve a significant reduction in development cost and time based on more effective engineering tools and tool chains, as well as methods and processes to apply these tools. Standards and other kinds of white papers or guidelines are useful instruments to achieve interoperability and prevent vendor lock-in. They also represent the result of many people’s work and competence.

Arrowhead Tools will make technology that conforms to standards, or is inspired by standards and other guidelines and recommendations. The project does not intend to create and drive new standards, but intends to try and influence standards and frameworks that are of particular interest to the project and its members.

A major target point for Arrowhead Tools is to automate more – on the factory floor, throughout the supply chain and during the maintenance during the lifespan of the products.

An initial mapping of the to Arrowhead Tools relevant standards can be seen in this figure