The Next Generation of Smart Solutions and AI for Europe
Eclipse Arrowhead solutions continue to spread into new developments that will contribute to advancing Industry 4.0. Eclipse Arrowhead partner Jotne EPM will be providing expertise in digital twinning, interoperability and connecting sensor data and analytics with Project Life-cycle Management systems in a new European project that aims to strengthen Europe’s position in the field of distributed Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The project, DAIS – Distributed Artificial Intelligent System, aims to develop solutions that will integrate AI more fully into industrial processes, moving AI further down the production chain. This is particularly important for remote operations such as hydropower, offshore facilities, shipping and transport with limited access to data communication. Today it is common for data collected from industrial processes to be transferred to cloud systems before processing and analysis takes place, which means that the AI lies outside of the systems and processes it is meant to support. The solution is to move AI closer to where the data is actually generated, something that will allow local processes to be improved automatically and in real time. The technology developed in the project will be based on open standards, and developed according to existing industrial demands for both hardware and software.
Jotne EPM is joined by Norwegian partners Step Solutions and Expert Analytics and will participate in the 35-million Euro, three year project together with a total of 47 partners operating in 11 different European countries.
Official press release (in Norwegian)