Eclipse Arrowhead and Industry 4.0 in Focus at Interizon Day 2020
Interizon Day is the annual conference for the Pomeranian ICT Cluster, Interizon, which serves as a point of connection for more than 150 organizations employing more than 22,000 people throughout Poland.
Professor Jerker Delsing, head of the Arrowhead Tools project attended Interizon Day 2020 to give a keynote on the Eclipse Arrowhead platform and its relevance for implementing Industry 4.0 solutions. In his address professor Delsing explained the importance of moving from products to solutions as we see a huge shift in value chains emerging. A key challenge for Europe is creating and successfully implementing self-amplifying networks and agile ecosystems. With its open source frameworks and focus on efficient deployment of the industrial Internet of Things, the Eclipse Arrowhead framework is an important step on the way to achieving this and ensuring the future competitiveness of European industry. Professor Delsing emphasised the importance of a transition from a focus on value chains to a focus on value networks. A crucial step in achieving this is moving from the concept of a single enterprise to a multistakeholder operation, which is a collaborative network that combines industry, business and research. This includes the idea of competitors working together in areas where they can all benefit from what can be achieved by investing their collective resources and subsequently competing with the value they can add individually to services and products. Delsing provided an overview of ongoing projects in the Eclipse Arrowhead framework that contribute to strategic areas for a genuine deployment of Industry 4.0 such as interoperability, real time capabilities, scalability and security.
You can read more about Interizon and the Pomeranian ICT Cluster here.