Digital Archiving and Information Availability

In a series of leaflets, the Eclipse Arrowhead project is focusing on our industrial partners and their goals and results. Our latest leaflet focuses on international health and well-being specialists Philips.

In a series of leaflets, the Eclipse Arrowhead project is focusing on our industrial partners and their goals and results. Our latest leaflet focuses on international health and well-being specialists Philips

For this partner, the goal is to design and elaborate technologies that support consistent, complete and reliable system descriptions that can be used to accurately verify product properties. A key challenge is understanding how the benefits of a flow capture tool can be fully realised while operating within the limitations on digital archiving and tool chain development necessary in the healthcare sector.  

Analysing a range of MRI scanners to understand fundamental building blocks and interactions between them will also allow commonalities to be converted into cost-efficient development. Understanding commonalities in hardware components will allow differentiation to occur at the software level allowing for more cost-effective deployment, development and upgrading. 

Read the leaflet to find out more here.